A Bookworm NOT in Paris: Walking and Audiobooks

Hi all my Bookworms!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

How are you all?

Happy Monday, everyone!

I hope you are all well and keeping busy, whether that is at home, working from home or heading back to work.

I am finding it hard to keep busy, but I keep pushing. Keeping busy is really important, but for me at the moment it seems to be a constant uphill climb. I find myself sat on the sofa thinking I should be reading or going for a walk or doing anything productive and then I end up playing stupid mind numbing game that is not at all productive.

On the other hand, we have been going a little further for our walks.

Twice in the past week I have been out for longer walks. There is a damn the next town over and it’s quite a country scene/walk and we walked all the way round. It was really long and on long walks you always get to the point where you are ready to turn back and call it a day but it’s always at the point where turning back would be longer than going forward.

I wish I had some pictures to show you but I didn’t have my phone with me so no photos.

We also went up to New Brighton and walked along the prom. The tide was really high and there were some people fishing. We had a picnic lunch in the car and we were heading back until our car decided that something was wrong. We ended parked on the side of the road and we had to wait for the AA. Luckily not too long. They originally said it would be nearly two hours till they got to us. Luckily it was a lot shorter.

I don’t normally talk about books in my Bookworm NOT in Paris post, but on Twitter last week I did a poll to see what audio book I should read next. I gave three options; Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox, Cress and Daisy Jones and the Six. The overwhelming majority was Daisy Jones, which I am not surprised about, at all. So many of my regular bookworms when I have talked about Daisy Jones before have said I have to listen to the audiobook and it is the best audiobook ever.

And I think I will leave it there.

This post actually has so much content than I have been able to manage the last few weeks. It is admittedly going up a lot later than I planned but I hope you’ll forgive me for that

Until next time, happy reading.

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