Book Tag Friday: Bare Yourself

Hi all!

My name is Chiara and I am a Bookworm.

I’ve had quite a few days off together this week but this heat has mean that I did not want to do anything. Is anyone else struggling with the heat?

I don’t mind warm weather, in fact I quite like it, but this is really reaching my limit.

Today’s book tag I found on Bookworm Blogger (another bookworm! yay!) back in May. I really recommend their site. They post some amazing stuff.

Disclaimer: The Waterstones links below are affiliate links meaning that, at no extra cost to you, I earn a small commission.

A Book you own but haven’t read yet

There are so many books I own that I haven’t read. I’ll get round to them one day but my TBR is never ending.

Books your friends love

My bestie loves Jojo Moyes. I’ve read Me Before You but she keeps getting on at me to read the next ones in the series and I also have to read Giver of Stars which she says is brilliant.

The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Goodreads | Waterstones

Books by an author you love

I think you all know who my favourite author is.

Rick Riordan


Books at the bottom of your TBR

I don’t think I really have books that are at the bottom of my TBR but I suppose the ones that I am in the least rush to read are classics, like Jane Eyre and Little Woman. It’s not that I don’t care about them but they’ve been not read by me for so long, they can be not read a little longer.

Books with colour in the title.

I did a post all about this just last week, but that one was only books that had red (or shades of red) in the title, so I’ll give you an extra one.

Onyx and Ivory by Mindee Arnett

Goodreads | Waterstones

Books set somewhere you’d like to visit

This is so hard because there are so many. But I suppose I should just leave it at two.

Inspector Morse by Colin Dexter


Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott

Goodreads | Waterstones | Series Review

Most collected author

That is an easy answer.

Rick Riordan

Mismatched series

I’m not exactly sure what this is asking but I think it might be that I don’t have the same covers, or same style of covers for the entirety of a series. The first answer that popped into my head are the Twilight books. My uncle and auntie bought me the first three books for Christmas one year, but they bought me the film covers, and then when I finally bought the last one I bought the white cover with the red sprayed pages. I would have preferred a matching set but I wasn’t that bothered about going away and buying them again.

Books you love but don’t remember well

I suppose that would be Ready Player One. I loved that book (and the film) but there is soooo much that happens in the book that it’s a struggle to remember it all.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Goodreads | Waterstones | Review

Also I am so excited to read the second book which is coming out in October.

Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

Goodreads | Waterstones

How many books do you have?

At the last count it was about 250 but I got rid of quite a few then and bought even more. Just physical book I would expect somewhere near 300.

Is your shelf everything you want it to be?

Yes and no. My bed is made of bookshelves, which is pretty amazing. But there is still not enough space for them all and I need more shelves

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